Erakusten 1 - 20 emaitzak -- 772 bilaketa honetara 'L.', Bilaketaren denbora: 0,18s Findu emaitzak
  1. 1
    nork Abeni, Sabrina Antonella
    Argitaratua 2011
    ...Review of the book Il senso del limite: il dolore, l'eccesso, l'osceno....
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  2. 2
    nork Rasmi, Jacopo
    Argitaratua 2016
    ...Review of the books L’économie de l’attention. Nouvel horizon du capitalisme? and&nbsp...
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  3. 3
    nork Rossini, Gianluigi
    Argitaratua 2011
    ...Review of the book L'eroe e l'ostacolo. Forme dell'avventura nella narrativa occidentale....
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  4. 4
    nork Branchini, Rachele
    Argitaratua 2012
    ...Review of the book enaissance de l’événement. Un défi pour l’historien: entre sphinx e phénix....
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  5. 5
    nork Bio, Mariangela
    Argitaratua 2011
    ...Review of the book  L’invenzione del testo....
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  6. 6
    nork Ruozzi, Cinzia
    Argitaratua 2016
    ...Review of the book L’uomo del futuro by Eraldo Affinati...
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    nork Guglielmi, Marina
    Argitaratua 2017
    ...Review of the book La nave, lo spazio e l’altro. L’eterotopia della nave nella letteratura e nel...
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  9. 9
    nork Rocca, Elisa
    Argitaratua 2012
    ...Review of the book L’Invention de soi: Rilke, Kafka, Pessoa by Elisa Rocca....
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  10. 10
    nork Lino, Mirko
    Argitaratua 2012
    ...Review of the book L’occhio della Medusa. Fotografia e letteratura....
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  11. 11
    nork Agamennoni, Francesca
    Argitaratua 2015
    ...Review of the book L’antiestetica. Saggi sulla cultura postmoderna...
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  12. 12
    nork Nesi, Cristina
    Argitaratua 2015
    ...) and will be played (D.D.L. 3/12/2015 La Buona Scuola) on the ground of the initial training for teachers...
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    nork Diazzi, Alessandra
    Argitaratua 2013
    ...This essay aims to investigate Alberto Moravia’s novel L’uomo che guarda (1985) through...
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  15. 15
    nork Zinato, Emanuele
    Argitaratua 2014
    ...Some thoughts on Alessandra Sarchi's recent novel, L'amore normale....
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  16. 16
    nork Mattazzi, Isabella
    Argitaratua 2011
    ...’s Voyage dans l’Empire de Maroc, this paper focuses on the perceptive modalities of a...
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  17. 17
    nork Tajani, Ornella
    Argitaratua 2015
    ...Review of the book Borges e la traduzione. L’irriverenza della periferia...
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  18. 18
    nork Matteini, David
    Argitaratua 2018
    ... in 1955: Sur l’avenir de la tragédie. The conference is part of that secondary theoretical-theatrical...
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  19. 19
    nork Renna, Salvatore
    Argitaratua 2017
    ...Review of the book L’invenzione della Sicilia. Letteratura, mafia, modernità by Matteo Di Gesù...
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  20. 20
    nork Vita, Saverio
    Argitaratua 2019
    ...Review of the book L’ombra della scrittura. Racconti fotografici e visionari by Ferdinando Amigoni....
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